The Library

Since opening in February 2013, Biblioteca Yelapa has become a gathering spot and a hub of learning for students (grades 1 – 6), in the Escuela Primaria Juan de la Barrera in Yelapa, Jalisco, Mexico.



Stocked with hundreds of library-bound books in Spanish, students select and check out books daily.  Each class also has weekly sessions with librarian or volunteer-led readings and other based activities.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERACarefully selected by an experienced children’s librarian and teacher, our books cover a wide range of subjects that are critical to elementary school academic development and enjoyment. A broad range of age-appropriate picture books, Mexican folk tales, poetry, biographies, reference materials, easy-readers, award winning literature, and other popular subjects are available.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERABut, it is the time spent with these children, suggesting new books, discussing their interests in horses, birds, plants, sea-life, the natural world around them, along with structured learning activities that will allow Biblioteca Yelapa to make the biggest difference in their academic growth.

Printed books offer these children a new and tactical involvement with interesting subjects, and especially, the opportunity to select and take books home, offering students a new path (at their own speed), to learning about the complicated developing world around them.OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA

Why is this project so important?  Click here to read a New York Times Op-Ed article on literacy in Mexico – “The Country That Stopped Reading”.

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